#H817Open Week 4-
Activity 14
A MOOC Comparison:
Digital Storytelling (DS106) and E-learning
& Digital Culture (EDCMOOC)
In the interest of full disclosure, I was a participant in E-learning
and Digital Culture and it was from that course’s twitter feed that I learned
about H817 Open Education. I was
interested in doing the comparison because my experience in EDCMOOC transformed
the way I viewed e-learning. I have not been a participant in DS106, at
least not yet, but I did go to the DS106 site, reviewed some of the webpages
and listened to the professors discuss the creation and results of the first
year of the course.
This activity is designed to compare the technology,
pedagogy and general approach and philosophy between a cMOOC (connectivist MOOC) and an xMOOC (cognitivist
MOOC) but as with most things, labels don’t capture the wonder and messiness of
it all. These courses were interesting
to compare because they both have as their subject “Who we are as Humans in a
Digital World?”.
DS 106 had defined learning objectives: 1) Develop skills in using technology as a tool
for networking, sharing, narrating, and creative self-expression 2) Frame a
digital identity wherein you become both a practitioner in and interrogator of
various new modes of networking 3)Critically examine the digital landscape of
communication technologies as emergent narrative forms and genres. While the learning goals were set, the
content of the course changed and evolved based on the suggestions and skills
of the participants. For example,
participants were encouraged to submit their own learning assignments. As they explored different media for
self-expression, one participant developed a DS106 radio station, which became
an important part of the course. The emphasis
of the course was on experiential learning through creation using multiple
types of media and learning from each other was the expectation. Indeed the community did create the
curriculum as one might expect in a connectivist MOOC.
EDCMOOC suggested that learners develop their own learning goals
that might include 1) gaining new perspectives on e-learning; 2) experiencing a
MOOC; 3)networking with some of the fascinating people from all over the world
who are signed up; 4) experimenting with digital and visual ways of
representing academic knowledge; and 5)exploring the connections between
education, learning and digital cultures. The content however was set and learners were
encouraged to share reflections through blog posts or social media. Creation of a digital artifact at the end of
the course was the learning assessment to receive a certificate for the course.
Learning from each other was an explicit
expectation of EDCMOOC as well through use of the blog aggregator in inclusion
of a twitter feed. In addition other
social media such as Google+ and Facebook were encouraged. A number of students developed personal
learning networks, quad-blogged, and used Google hangouts. Weekly
twitter chats were organized by students in which students would mentor others
to be facilitators. There was structure for the content (though no
video lectures as is characteristic of Coursera MOOCs) and yet the instructors
did create an environment that encouraged collaboration and learning from each
other. Because the structure was
different from most Coursera courses, some participants were unsure of
expectations and what their role was and the role of the instructors.
These courses differed in duration and in philosophy of assessment. DS106 seems to have evolved into an on-going
community as well as a course where students are welcome to drop in at any time
and contribute. “First of all, in ds106,
there are multiple levels of participation- but most importantly, it is
designed so you can pick and choose the when and where. We expect NO APOLOGIES
for not being able to participate when other parts of life intrude. There is no
concept in ds106 of “dropping out” c.f. Groom, Jim (2010-present), “ds106 is
#4life”. EDCMOOC was a five week course
though the social media sites as well as the course archive remain open.
DS106 did not do any assessment of its open students with
the philosophy that what you learn is the reward. “More than just the cliché sense, ds106 is a
community that is made better from the ideas and contributions of the people
who come inside that door. We do not give
out badges or certifications, the creations you do, the connections you make
with other, and just the experience of challenging yourself to tell stories is
its own reward.” One of the questions
for DS106 is what will the evolution of this learning community be.
EDCMOOC culminated in peer assessment of a digital
artifact. This was initially designed to
be an exercise where you would receive a certificate of completion if you
submitted an artifact and assessed three other people, it evolved into the
possibility of “completion with distinction” if you were scored high enough by
your peers. The certificate of
completion and the assessment process were viewed as important components by
both the instructors and by many of the participants. One of the questions for EDCMOOC and for xMOOCs
in general is that of assessment : What should one measure and how? Is there a
role for peer assessment? For automated assessment? Assessment is linked to certification
especially as some certificates become eligible for college or continuing
education credit.
Both courses have some similar questions. What should the role of the instructor be in
a course where the expertise and knowledge of students help to shape or in fact
create the course? Who are the MOOC
students and what digital literacy do they bring?
While not a connectivist MOOC because the learners did not
create the curriculum, EDCMOOC did foster community for many, despite using an
xMOOC platform (Coursera). Though some learners
were confused by the different format and expectations, many others embraced
the experience of learning from their peers.
DS 106
Independent website with enrolled university students having to do
assignments on the University Canvas LMS
potential with weekly assignments
Coursera framework with add-ons for twitter feed, blog aggregator
forums were set up as standard Coursera framework
Rejection of
need for badges/recognition. “ We do not give out badges or certifications,
the creations you do, the connections you make with other, and just the
experience of challenging yourself to tell stories is its own reward”
5 week course
though the twitter feed and social media communities are still available as
is the course archive
Credit based
on completion of a digital artifact. Assessment
done by peer review, with distinction a certain grade receiving “with
approach /philosophy.
students and open participants – no distinction initially in course or
participation involvement except open participants were not graded.
changed based on input from community-
of high participation, creation of assignments, student leadership
Focus on
digital story-telling and establishment of digital identity
Set learning
objectives with emerging, changing content
students and open participants- with enrolled students having to a small
degree a “teaching assistant role” and providing examples of digital
Openess re:
process from Hangouts with professor and their blogs
alternate ways of building community via social networking.
reflected on various digital representations and were grounded in history and
theory of digital culture and then were asked to create a digital artifact.
Goals to be
set by the learner with stable content
being asked
Interest in
analytics of who participates
Role of the
What will be
the evolution of the community?
Interest in
analytics of who participates
Role of the
assessment process?
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